At six- thirty here on the hill it's a chilly forty one degrees but it feels more like low thirties. It's a dreary and morning here on the hill with the high to be only fifty today. I have been forced to turn on some heat here in the house. I had hoped to get more of the brush and yuck cleared from the edge of the woods this fall but now I don't know if I will get that done until the spring. The leaves are turning and we have lots of reds and yellows in the woods behind the house. On the drive home from work yesterday some of the streets that are lined with the huge old trees were really beautiful arrayed in their reds, yellows, gold and green. I have some banana plants growing that I will need to dig up and take to the cellar in the next few days. I tried mulching one of them a few years back and leaving it to over winter outside. It did not survive and since these have been in my family for forty plus years I just kinda feel like it's my job to keep one around as long as I can.
Along with the gardens and the renovation of my log home I have gone back to my first love which is sewing. I hope to soon have some of my repurposed deimn jackets and other items on Etsy. Right now, as my grandmother would have told me,
I have too many irons in the fire, but things will all work out and it will all get done, eventually. Adding to the chaos contractors will probably be at the house one or two days next week. Over time one learns to live around them and you soon become on a first name basis with them. They bring me pumpkins and other decorations for my front porch and have taught me how to chink the logs in a two hundred year old house. All these things sometime make life a little hetic but it also keeps thing interesting and the garden is where I go "to stop and smell the roses". It's the place of peace and quiet in a hetic life.