I guess you would call me a rogue gardener. I have an acre and half of hill, much of which is wooded, where deer, squirrels as big as cats, raccoons, a groundhog and at least one resident barn snake roam about freely. There’s also a mother fox that often brings her kits/pups out to visit. I garden for fun but the one thing I get serious about is invasive plants.


Thursday, March 12, 2009

A Mighty Oak & A Mighter Power

I sat across the street from my drive one summer afternoon and admired this mighty Oak. It was fully clothed in green leaves at that time and was beautiful. I made a comment that it was one of the prettiest trees I had ever seen. Well, a few evenings later, during a thunderstorm a bolt of lighting ended its long life. It split the tree, dropping a huge branch across my drive and the next day when I checked it out there were big chunks of bark that had been splintered off. Looking at the huge old tree and the damage that had been done in a split second of time was a very thought provoking moment. The might powers of nature can make us realize just how small and insigificant we really are. I had hoped it would recover but not so.

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