I guess you would call me a rogue gardener. I have an acre and half of hill, much of which is wooded, where deer, squirrels as big as cats, raccoons, a groundhog and at least one resident barn snake roam about freely. There’s also a mother fox that often brings her kits/pups out to visit. I garden for fun but the one thing I get serious about is invasive plants.


Monday, September 21, 2009

Monsoon Season? Reblooming Iris!

Out on the hill it looks like fall but the afternoon temps have been in the 80s. We've gone from no rain to somewhat of a monsoon it seems. From the looks of the weather map it's going to be rain and thunderstorms all the way thru Saturday. This morning it rained on me all the way in to work and for about an hour after I arrived. At this point it has stopped but there's suppoe=se to be more waiting in the wings, I believe. My garden surely will enjoy the moisture and so will the weeds.

I purchased some reblooming iris a year or so ago and this spring they bloomed. On Sunday as I was leaving the house something caught my eye and guess what? This beautiful iris was fully opened. I had not even noticed it was going to bloom. I purchased several but for health reasons did not get them all in the ground and this is the only one that seems to have survived. I most certainly am going to order more of the reblooming varieties. I've been shopping the cataloges for others. This morning there were 2 more blooms but it was raining and I didn't get pictures.

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