I guess you would call me a rogue gardener. I have an acre and half of hill, much of which is wooded, where deer, squirrels as big as cats, raccoons, a groundhog and at least one resident barn snake roam about freely. There’s also a mother fox that often brings her kits/pups out to visit. I garden for fun but the one thing I get serious about is invasive plants.


Monday, June 29, 2009

Lemon Lily

I've been reading about a lemon lily. Just curious if this is what I have. The yellow is such a clear beautiful color.

Another Suprise

This has been an interesting weekend at my place. Yesterday I went out to begin removing some blacktop so that I could put in a flower bed near the house. I pried up a small piece and something looked strange, then I removed another small piece and another. There was nothing beneath the blacktop except A Hole! A very Black Hole. What have I found? Is this where some former owner, who didn't beieve in banks, has buried their fortune? ( I have found all types of interesting items but as yet no money) Some Indian hide-away, the land was once part of the Iroquois Indian Reservation, I've been told? No! Nothing so exciting. Just one of the 3 cisterns on the place that former owner told me had been filled in years ago.

I called my contractor and he tells me that it has to be filled in with sand. It seems the larkspurs and coreopsis will have to wait a few days before they get planted.

Thursday, June 25, 2009

Purple Lily with visitors.
Yellow Lilies. These are beautiful. Such a clear pretty colour.
The tomatoes are getting ripe. Found this one turning last evening. Now if the "critters" just leave them alone.

I've never grown eggplant with any success but this one has several blooms. I will wait and see if the fruit arrives in due time.
And the cucumbers are doing great. This is only two of the ones that I have.

Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Resident Groundhog

I saw my little buddy this morning. I had been concerned he was no longer around until I spotted him a few days ago. Today he came ambling down the hill to the ditch and scurried along. Looking a lot like a miniture bear as his short little legs carried him along. I was watching for him to get closer but he disappeared. I have a French drain that runs across my back yard and in a couple of places where there are walkways concrete slabs cover the drain and in a couple of places I have placed decorative wrought iron covers that help keep trash out of the drain and prevent someone from stepping in it. Well this drain is the perfect underground highway for Mr. Groundhog, especially the covered area. After he disappeared I continued to watch for him and then I spotted him. Wish I could have gotten a picture but I was too slow, or he was too quick, whichever I missed a great picture. He had his head poked up between one of the iron grates and the concrete slap that crosses the drain. I must admit he was quite silly looking and worth a good laugh.

Monday, June 22, 2009

Not Garden Related but...

With temps in the 90s I've kinda moved inside to work for a few days. Saturday I did some more work on my sunporch. Got half the windows painted and the lower half of one wall. About a week ago the contractor finished cleaning and rechinking the log wall portion and I got the insulation and wood up under all the windows so I had to get going on the paint. It's going to be one of my favorite places to spend time. The view of my gardens and woods is great and when it rains on the metal roof it's such a wonderful place to relax. Hopefully, this afternoon I can finish painting the windows and then there is an old cabinet I want to remove. The ceiling is going to be a real pain to paint beause it hasn't been done in years.

Sunday, June 14, 2009


Just one of my many wiggly friends. I have found nightcrawlers that make this little guy look tiny. Nevertheless they are both welcome in my gardens.

Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Lilies and More

Lilies are Blooming! This one is my favorite.
It's been in the family for many years. Someone gave my mother a "start" many (probably more than 50) years ago. Now my sister and I both have a pot of them. I have no clue as to what type they are. The kettle on the right was one my grandmother kept on her wood burning kitchen stove to have hot water.

This White one was bloomed yesterday afternoon.

Pink, Pink and

More pink. It had a bloom open this morning. Not a stargazer!

This peachy one was given to me by one of my daughter-in-law a few years ago. I now have more than one clump.

Monday, June 8, 2009

Gardening Versus House Cleaning

I worked in the garden for several hours Saturday afternoon. The temperature was near ninety. YUCK! I dragged out the tiller and prepared some of the walks to put in flowers along the edge. Tilled up a couple of beds and put in clomes in one of them and purple coneflowers in another. Hopefully, this afternoon I can get the liriope in along the walk. I haven't been outside since coming to the office earlier but they tell me it's hot and muggy and feels like rain. If it's too nasty outside I will be working inside on my sun porch. On second thought, that may very well be what I do this afternoon instead of gardening.

The guys are suppose to be coming sometime this week to take down a couple of trees in my front yard and I have the contractor coming to do some work on the house either this week or next. Life is never dull at my place although my pocket is often empty.

Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Banana Peels for Roses

This morning I fed my roses. Yep, gave 'em banana peels. I've read all kinds of things about feeding banana peels to your roses. Chop, bake, puree, make an emulsion, burry the thing, but all you really need to do is toss the peel close to the bush and stand back. Sometimes I think people just want to make work for themselves. The peels decompose quickly and my roses really love the potassium. The entire flower garden will benefit from peels and if you use a lot of bananas as I do they are a cheap fertlizer.