Let me introduce Mr. Doodles. I walk out to the car, purse over my shoulder, lunch and briefcase in one hand, a cup of coffee and some papers in the other along with the car keys. After some juggling I reach to open the door and out of nowhere this thing flies in my face. I duck and yell, spill my coffee (luckily not on myself) and try to wave away whatever it is. Then I realize it's a BIRD. He hops onto the windshield and glares at me. My mirror, where he was perched is covered in doodle and all the way down my door. If I open the door will he fly into the car? I put down my lunch and brief case and fling the papers at him, but he just darts over to the other side mirror and looks at himself. Quickly I open the door and toss my things inside.

As I close the door he's back and in my face. It's like he's saying "Lady, this is my perch. You deal with it." I go around get in on the driver side. He's still sitting on the passenger side mirror looking at himself. It's like "OK, Bird, Let's see how you like the carwash." He flies off before I pull out of my drive. When I came home from work I tied a plastic bag over the mirrors. Hopefull this will keep Mr. Doodles from doodling on my car again. I'm thinking he is twitterpatted (Remember in Bambi, Owl tells Bambi, Thumper and Flower that the birds were twitterpatted?) with the reflection of himself. Anyone know what type of bird he might be? I know that it would be hard to tell from the angle of the first picture so here's a better view.
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