Beautiful Easter day here. Everyone got together at my sister's and a wonderful time was had by all. I baked one of my "famous" hams and was going to make deviled eggs. The eggs are something I always make for family get togethers. My youngest son, his wife and my oldest nephew just expect to have the eggs. Well, guess what?! Yesterday I forgot to make them. Needless to say they were disappointed. I promised to do better next time. :)

My Egyptian walking onions are doing great. I think they are most interesting plants. I like the way the sets form at the top of the stalk and that these are edible when they are small. My mother and grandmother always refered to these as "7 year" onions. Supposedly they would come back for 7 years before they had to be replaced.
Saturday after a couple of rather heavy down pours the sun came out. I went out, pulled weeds and put down a bunch of mulch, trimmed and mulched some more. I think I'm gonna buy stock in the company I get the mulch from. The guy next door who owns the florist/nursery probably considers me one of his best customers since I go thru a skid of the stuff every year. Not sure what's on the agenda for today. Probably going to put the clump river birch in out front and clean out around the blueberry bushes.
One of my friends told me the other day that she has some gooseberry bushes that have starts and she will bring me some of those. I love gooseberry pies.
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