Saturday, November 28, 2009
Late Thanksgiving
Monday, November 23, 2009
Changing Weather, Holiday Cactus, Reblooming Iris
Saturday was a gorgeous day which I spent cleaning up the flower beds. The lawn guy picked up leaves and cleaned out the gutters on Thursday so on Saturday I did the flower beds-Last and final cleanup until spring, I hope.
Last evening I went out and cut all of my reblooming Iris. I wanted to bring them in before the weather changed and there are still several unopened buds on them that I hope. My Thanksgiving/Christmas cactus are blooming also. I hope the blooms are all open on the Sunday after Thanksgiving since that is when all my family is coming for dinner.
I did my menu last evening so I have to go to the grocery later this week.
Friday, November 13, 2009
So What IF IT's Friday the 13th
Thursday, November 12, 2009
Sunrise on the hill
Wednesday, November 4, 2009
Fall Cleanup and Found Things
We were talking the other day about how the winters have changed over the years. As a child I well remember my Dad picking corn in October and it being very cold, bitter even. Thanksgiving Day was a day for hunting rabbits and quail and invariably there would be snow on the ground. These are all memories that go along with the ones of going to my grandparents house for Thanksgiving dinner. Good memories of times spent with folks who are mostly all now gone.
Hopefully over the next couple of afternoons I will be able to get some more fall cleanup done. I have help coming Saturday to really do some major cleanup around the property such as getting rid of limbs and things that I've discovered as I clear away the undergrowth. I keep thinking that maybe I'll find a pot of money buried somewhere up there but so far I've only found an old bathroom sink, a stack of very old cinder blocks, a tub of glass window panes (the tub of window panes was tucked away under a large lilac bush). There was an old plow who's wooden frame was decayed, a hay fork and some other things I can't identify, not sure I'd want to know what some of them were. We will see if I find anything of interest up there this weekend.
Friday, October 30, 2009
Colours of Autumn
Thursday, October 15, 2009
Saturday Morning Ramble
Along with the gardens and the renovation of my log home I have gone back to my first love which is sewing. I hope to soon have some of my repurposed deimn jackets and other items on Etsy. Right now, as my grandmother would have told me, I have too many irons in the fire, but things will all work out and it will all get done, eventually. Adding to the chaos contractors will probably be at the house one or two days next week. Over time one learns to live around them and you soon become on a first name basis with them. They bring me pumpkins and other decorations for my front porch and have taught me how to chink the logs in a two hundred year old house. All these things sometime make life a little hetic but it also keeps thing interesting and the garden is where I go "to stop and smell the roses". It's the place of peace and quiet in a hetic life.
Wednesday, October 14, 2009
Snake Picture

Tuesday, October 13, 2009
Fall Cleanup - Surprise Visitor
In all that excitement I did discover that I have a balloon flower blooming. I will try to post a picture and more later this evening. Also, my reblooming iris is still blooming. The temperature has been down in the forties here at night but tops out at around sixty in the daytime.
Monday, September 21, 2009
Monsoon Season? Reblooming Iris!
I purchased some reblooming iris a year or so ago and this spring they bloomed. On Sunday as I was leaving the house something caught my eye and guess what? This beautiful iris was fully opened. I had not even noticed it was going to bloom. I purchased several but for health reasons did not get them all in the ground and this is the only one that seems to have survived. I most certainly am going to order more of the reblooming varieties. I've been shopping the cataloges for others.

Tuesday, September 15, 2009
Winerberry? Wildflower?
Here on the hill not alot of things are in bloom. The sages and catmint are very robust in aroma and size. Coreopsis have continued to bloom and are still flowering beautifully. I gathered my hydrangea blooms yesterday and made bouquets for the sunporch and on each side of the colonnade. They are one of my best flowers and I like the fact that I can collect them to make arrangements that will last all season. In the spring I will add 4 or 5 more plants along the French Drain.
A the edge of the woods near the end of my drive, in one of the few areas that we have managed to somewhat reclaim from mother nature's take over with unwanted growth, I noticed a shrub that is simply loaded with red berries. I was on my way to work so it was not a good day to go climbing thru weeds and brush but that is just what I did. I'm not sure if this is a winterberry but it may be. Whatever it is the berries are stunning. At the base of the same small bank I discovered beautiful yellow flowers that are some type of wildflower. I am posting pictures of both the flower and the shrub. If anyone can identify either please do so.
Sage & Catmint and some others
Monday, September 14, 2009
Fall is Definitely in the Air
Below the touch-me-nots have lost their seeds and leaves will soon be gone.
And as if that is not proof enough take a look at the poke weed. Picture is not very good but you can see the clusters of berries and the faded leaves.
Yes, autumn is arriving here in Kentucky! There is a crispness in the early morning air but by afternoon it's back in the 80s. On Saturday I pulled weeds and did a little clean up and for that I have a good case of Poison Ivy.
Thursday, September 3, 2009
Back to The Garden - Soon Very Soon
For some reason one of my japonicas that I planted this spring and that had been doing great has some dead branches. I can't figure out why. Hopefully, it will recover. I do know that we could sure use some rain. Haven't had much rain since the downpour that caused the flood on August 4th.
Monday, August 17, 2009
This and That and Some More
Sunday, August 16, 2009
Someone was Hungry
Wednesday, August 12, 2009
Flowers, flowers and more
Tuesday, August 11, 2009
Monday, August 10, 2009
"Water, Water Everywhere & Not A Drop To Drink"
I was on vacation for a week which was really great. On Monday August 4th I came back to work. That was just a regular workday.
Then came Tuesday, August 5th. The two pictures below show the stree in front of my office building about an hour after I arrived.

As I was driving in there was this black cloud that was directly in front of me. It was black and there was a green look to it - as a child I was taught that if the cloud looked "green" it almost always meant that there was going to be hail involved. Anyway, still a good distance from work I considered going back home because there was this "feeling". Next time I will head my "feeling". I arrived at the office at 8:20 am. Within minutes it was almost as dark as night outside and I could hear hail hitting the windows. Then came the rain - 6.5 (16.5 centimeters)inches of rain in about an hour. We watched it flood the street in front of the building and then it blew the covers off the sewers and it was like a huge wave that moved higher and higher until it was up over the parking meters.
My car

The fire department had to bring in boats to evacuate some of the people. My sister and daughter had to be evacuated to the second floor of the building next door, then after is stopped raining and the water began to go down the grounds people took them out to a local business so that they could get a ride home.
Needless to say, my car has been totaled.
Sunday, July 19, 2009
Digging in Rocks and Dirt
Friday, July 10, 2009
Wednesday, July 1, 2009
Objects are Closer Than...
Monday, June 29, 2009
Lemon Lily
Another Suprise

Thursday, June 25, 2009
I've never grown eggplant with any success but this one has several blooms. I will wait and see if the fruit arrives in due time.