It's a beautiful day and I wanna to go play outside. I was doing OK until I had to walk across campus earlier and then I didn't want to come back inside. We have lots of squirrels here on campus and they are all well-fed. If you decide to have lunch sitting outside on a bench you better hope there's enough food for the squirrels. I'm sitting on the end of the bench and have my sandwich in hand. Mr. White Squirrel comes over to join me and promply hops up on the other end of the bench. This bench is maybe 36 inches long. Well here we sit, Me and Mr. Squirrel. I have my sandwich and in a baggie beside me I have an apple that has been sliced. He looks at me, this rodent with the bushy tail, flicks that same bushy tail, and moves over closer to the bag with the apple. I pick up the baggie and he barks at me and is no longer sitting down but seems to be in attack mode. It's like, "You WILL share that with me or I will have a bite of YOU." Have you ever looked into the eyes of angry squirrel that is less than a foot away from you? I gave him a slice of apple then headed back inside where it was safe. Wouldn't have surprised me to see him sitting outside the door banging on it with those tiny little feet with the long, long toenails.
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