I guess you would call me a rogue gardener. I have an acre and half of hill, much of which is wooded, where deer, squirrels as big as cats, raccoons, a groundhog and at least one resident barn snake roam about freely. There’s also a mother fox that often brings her kits/pups out to visit. I garden for fun but the one thing I get serious about is invasive plants.


Sunday, March 8, 2009

Mother Nature's Vengenance

OK, so I’ve dug and pulled and cut and pulled some more and I finally found that there is a bit of terra firma down below all this tangled mess. I have managed to identify winter creeper, poison ivy, Japanese honeysuckle, grape vines and that wonder thing called a green brier (I’m not sure if I found it or it found me, whichever, it did leave it’s mark as did the poison ivy). The poison ivy has a trunk on it that is probably over an inch in diameter and the grapevines you could swing from. The honeysuckle and winter creeper – well, what can I say other than they seem to have been in some kind of contest with each other and everything else. I really wonder how many years it’s been since anyone cleaned up this area. I have made a slight change but there’s lots more to be done. As I was told, “Rome was not built in a day”.
I knew it! There really is ground underneath the tangle.

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